Effective Fall 2025, DGS will become the Division of Exploratory Studies. Same mission; new name.

Academic Advising

Our academic advisors work with you to help you discover your goals and the best way to make them happen.

What Is Your Advisor's Role?

Your advisor will meet with you to craft appropriate course schedules and provide you with additional guidance through scheduled appointments. You can expect your advisor to:

  • Keep appointments with you (or have staff call or email you to cancel or reschedule).
  • Provide accurate and specific information in a professional manner.
  • Listen without prejudice, offer suggestions, and discuss strategies.
  • Guide you in your decision-making process.
  • Be an accessible resource, ally, and mentor.
What Is Your Role?

In order for you to get the most out of your advising experience, we ask that you:

  • Contact and keep in touch with your advisor at least once a semester.
  • Make and keep appointments (or call to change or cancel them when necessary).
  • Prepare for appointments by researching your concerns and writing down questions.
  • Choose your own class schedule before meeting with your advisor to discuss it.
  • Ask for resources and read all newsletters and emails thoroughly.
  • Be open in discussing your personal adjustment to Illinois, your academic progress, and your study habits. If you experience any problems, let your advisor know.
  • Make informed decisions relating to your major and career plans and set realistic goals.
  • Bring a personal record of your progress toward your goals with you to all appointments.
  • Keep track of important dates and deadlines for the academic year.
How Are Advisors Assigned?

Advising for current undeclared students is now arranged alphabetically with teams of advisors serving specific groups of students based on the first letter of each student’s last name. Learn more about our advisors and make an appointment with someone from your Advising Team. The choice is yours!