Effective Fall 2025, DGS will become the Division of Exploratory Studies. Same mission; new name.


Major Description

Chemistry involves the study of the composition and properties of matter and the investigation of the laws that govern the combination of elements. Chemistry is both theoretical and applied; it plays a vital role in everyone's life, and yet may be the most abstract of sciences. Chemists are scientists whose activities can include pure research, product development, writing, administration, marketing, and teaching.

Programs of Study:

“There are two programs of study offered in Chemistry along with two possible concentrations: one in Environmental Chemistry, the other in Chemistry Teaching


There are two concentrations offered through Sciences and Letters.


Sciences and Letters

"Bachelor of Science in LAS with a Major in Chemistry"


The Sciences & Letters degree is designed for students who need a background in chemistry for work in related fields, are planning business or administrative careers in the chemical industry, or are preparing for professional education in health fields (medicine, pharmacy, etc.) or law. Some students who plan for further graduate study or professional careers in chemistry find that the Sciences & Letters degree best suits their needs.


Chemistry Teaching


This concentration fulfills state certification requirements to teach high school (grades 9-12) chemistry through the AP/honors level as well as biology, earth and space science, environmental science, and physics up to the AP/honors level. Students in this concentration must also complete the Teacher Education Minor in Secondary School Teaching.

More for information about the Degree Requirements, visit http://catalog.illinois.edu/undergraduate/las/chemistry-bslas/.

There are two concentrations offered through the Specialized Curriculum.


Specialized Curriculum

“Bachelor of Science in Chemistry"



A program certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS) that is primarily intended for students who plan to pursue a PhD in Chemistry. A student who selects this program should start freshman year with a strong technical program (courses in Accelerated Chemistry, Calculus, and Physics); otherwise it may be difficult to complete the program in four years.


Environmental Chemistry


This option is designed to provide a background in environmental chemistry sufficient in breadth and depth to prepare someone to work as an environmental chemist in the public or private sector and/ or to pursue an advanced degree in the field. Students who complete this option will be certified in environmental chemistry by the American Chemical Society (ACS).

More for information about the Degree Requirements, visit http://catalog.illinois.edu/undergraduate/las/chemistry-bs/.

Courses That Introduce the Major:
  • CHEM 102/103—General Chemistry I / General Chemistry Lab I
  • CHEM 104/105—General Chemistry II / General Chemistry Lab II
  • CHEM 202/203—Accelerated Chemistry I/Accelerated Chemistry Lab I
  • CHEM 204/205—Accelerated Chemistry II/Accelerated Chemistry Lab II
  • MATH 220—Calculus
  • MATH 221—Calculus I

Students should consult with an academic advisor regarding course selection prior to the advanced registration period.

Possible Career Opportunities:

Students who enter the workforce with their Bachelors tend to work in industry, government, or education. Quite a
few undergraduate Chemistry majors continue with graduate education in chemistry, medicine, pharmacy, law, or other fields.

  • Analyze data
  • Apply science and math
  • Collaborate on interdisciplinary teams
  • Conduct research
  • Develop theories
  • Display curiosity and adaptability
  • Focus on details
  • Implement programming and computer skills
  • Possess broad business acumen
  • Persevere
  • Utilize formulas
  • Write and communicate orally
  • Agricultural Scientist
  • Analyst
  • Analytical Chemist
  • Anesthesiologist*
  • Applications Scientist
  • Associate Consultant
  • Biochemical Toxicologist*
  • Biochemist
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Development Associate
  • Chemist
  • Clinical Trial Operation
  • Development Program
  • College professor*
  • Dentist*
  • Elementary/Secondary teacher
  • Emergency Department Technician
  • Environmental Chemist
  • Food Scientist/Technologist
  • Forensic Chemist
  • Health Administrator
  • Health Statistician
  • Industrial Hygienist
  • IT Consulting Analyst
  • Lab instructor
  • Lab Technician
  • Manager of Research & Testing*
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Nuclear Physicist*
  • Occupational Safety Specialist
  • Patent Agent
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Pharmacist*
  • Physician*
  • Project Engineer
  • Quality Control Manager
  • Radiation Oncologist*
  • Radiologist*
  • Research Engineer
  • Research Supervisor*
  • Sales Manager
  • Science Laboratory Technician
  • Software Developer
  • Soil Scientist
  • Technical Sales Representative
  • Technical Writer
  • Toxicologist*
  • Veterinarian*
  • Water Purification Chemist


 * Indicates a career that requires education beyond the undergraduate degree

Enhancing Your Academic Experience:
Further Information:

There are several professional organizations dedicated to Chemistry.  Their websites might be able to provide a glimpse in the world of Chemistry.  These organizations include American Chemical Society.