Effective Fall 2025, DGS will become the Division of Exploratory Studies. Same mission; new name.

After you Declare

You'll be assigned a departmental advisor in your new college once you declare, but know that we're still here to help!

  • Note that if you are approved for intercollegiate transfer any time after the 10th day of classes in a semester, you will remain an undeclared student until the end of the semester and the transfer to your new major will become effective the following term.
  • If your transfer to your new major will become effective the following term, you should work together with your DGS advisor and your new department to ensure that you are planning your coursework appropriately.
  • Once you are in your new major, you will be assigned a departmental advisor. You may want to reach out with an email, a phone call, or an office visit upon assignment.
  • Some colleges require that you meet with your departmental advisor to prepare and plan classes for your next semester. Be sure to read any correspondence from your new major so that you are aware of such requirements.
  • Locate contact information for your new department by viewing your departmental web page.
  • Whether you are excited or nervous (or a little of both) as you transition to your new major, your DGS advisor is available to support you throughout the process.
  • Note that DGS advisors won’t have every answer as you move into your junior and senior year. You’re still welcome to contact us, but sometimes we’ll have to refer you to your new department.

Congratulations on declaring your major. You are now an alum of DGS!