Effective Fall 2025, DGS will become the Division of Exploratory Studies. Same mission; new name.


Major Description

Sociology is the examination of social interactions of people in groups and the causes and consequences of the human behavior within the groups. Sociologists explore the complexities of the structure and dynamics of social systems among cultures and societies. It is an excellent major for individuals fascinated by groups and the social behavior of people. Students will have the opportunity to study race relations, gender, social class, religion, and ethnic background. Sociology majors attain research, statistics, and critical thinking skills that translate into any vocation.


The study of Sociology allows you to be analytic and reflective about social structure and culture. The Sociology minor can help you in almost any career including business, education, public administration, social work, as well as preparation for graduate or professional studies.

The Criminology, Law, and Society Minor provides a foundation for students seeking to supplement their major area of study, to develop knowledge and skills needed for criminological, law, and justice-related occupations, or to lay the foundation for law school or graduate study in sociology, criminology, or justice fields.

For students wishing to complete a combined major in Sociology and a minor in Criminology, Law, & Society they may do so in a reduced number of hours (41 credit hours) than typically required for a major and minor.

This certificate is perfect for students who want to study the CLS field but may not have enough time to complete the Criminology, Law, and Society minor.

The certificate in Social Science Research Methods is designed to create a preparatory track for undergraduate students aspiring to graduate school or a research career and enhances preparation for social science research.

Courses That Introduce the Major:
  • SOC 100—Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC 101 - Sociology of Gender
  • SOC 160 - Global Inequality and Social Change
  • SOC 162 - Intro to International Health Policy
  • SOC 163 - Social Problems
  • SOC 196—Issues in Sociology

Students should consult with an academic advisor regarding course selection prior to the advanced registration period.

Possible Career Opportunities:

Sociology provides a basis to pursue social science fields, law, social work, business, and public service.

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Data analysis
  • Research/Grant writing
  • Interpret results of different types of data
  • Analyze data with statistical software packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata)
  • Work with people who differ in race, ethnicity, gender, or class
  • Make an evidence-based argument
  • Identify ethical issues in sociological research
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different research methods
  • Admissions Counselor
  • Adoption Agent 
  • Advertising Assistant 
  • Alcohol/ Drug Case Worker
  • Case Aid Worker 
  • Child Welfare Officer 
  • Community Service Agency
  • Congressional Aid 
  • Consumer Advocate 
  • Correctional Case Worker
  • Corrections Officer 
  • Data Analyst 
  • Day Care Worker 
  • Delinquency Counselor 
  • Family Guidance Clinic
  • Foster Care Worker 
  • Human Resources
  • Job Analyst 
  • Labor Relations Rep.
  • Mental Health Worker 
  • News Correspondent 
  • Parole/Probation Officer 
  • Personnel Interviewer 
  • Personnel Specialist 
  • Public Opinion Surveyor 
  • Recreation Therapist 
  • Secret Service Agent 
  • Social Scientist 
  • Social Welfare Examiner 
  • Social Worker 
  • Teacher
  • Technical Writer 
  • Welfare Counselor 
  • Writer/Author 

Some careers may require education beyond an undergraduate degree.

Enhancing Your Academic Experience:
Further Information:

There are several professional organizations dedicated to Sociology.  Their websites might be able to provide a glimpse in the world of Sociology.  These organizations include American Sociological Association and International Sociological Association.

On campus, we have several Sociology student organizations that promote community and connection for those in our major. SSO (Sociology Student Organization), Sociology Ambassadors, and Alpha Kappa Delta - Honor Society plan social events, host career development sessions, and work on recruitment/engagement.