Effective Fall 2025, DGS will become the Division of Exploratory Studies. Same mission; new name.

Parent and Family Resources

Parents and family are integral to students' success in college.  Use the resources below to learn how to best support your student through their experience in DGS and at Illinois.

CLICK HERE to sign up to receive the DGS Family Newsletter

University of Illinois Resources for Parents and Family
Parent and Family Programs

The Office of Parent and Family Programs in the Illini Union offer information for parents on getting involved in the University of Illinois experience.

Student Development Outcomes of College

The study of the outcomes of college attendance over the past 50+ years has produced an expansive volume of literature focusing on student development.  Doing a Google Search for scholarly articles yields fantastic articles that guide our academic advising practice with our students.

Student Development Texts

An Amazon search of "College Student Development" provides numerous readings on the outcomes of college attendance and contributes to the DGS approach to academic advising and student success.