Effective Fall 2025, DGS will become the Division of Exploratory Studies. Same mission; new name.

Grade Replacement


Undergraduates have the option to repeat courses in which they’ve earned a 'C−' or below. If you earn a 'D-' or higher on the second attempt, only the second grade earned will factor into your GPA. If you earn an 'F' on the second attempt, both grades factor into the GPA.  In either case, all attempts remain part of your permanent transcript. There are limits on the courses and hours that can be replaced, so make sure you closely review the Student Code.

DGS students should make an appointment with an academic advisor to discuss the option and complete the required approval form in office. Approval must be obtained by the midpoint of the semester in which the course is being repeated.

Certainly. There may be instances where this option makes sense. Students who wish to discuss their options should make an appointment with an academic advisor.

For pre-law students considering applying to law school, please contact Pre-Law Advising Services regarding the Law School Admissions Council. For pre-health students considering any type of health professional school, please contact the Pre-Health Advisors at the Career Center regarding how this policy is applied to the various health professional programs.